Design Competition – Women of Gibraltar

02 Jun 2010 [19:40h]     Bookmark and Share

The Government of Gibraltar is pleased to launch a sculpture or monument design competition to honour and acknowledge the Women of Gibraltar and their contribution throughout history.

Gibraltar – The Government of Gibraltar is pleased to launch a sculpture or monument design competition to honour and acknowledge the Women of Gibraltar and their contribution throughout history.

Entrants are asked to design a sculpture or monument. The design should complement the area of the Sundial Roundabout at Winston Churchill Avenue and could form the background for photographs as well as provide a dramatic talking
point gracing the entrance to the City of Gibraltar.

Participants must come up with their own unique designs; these take inspiration from traditional or contemporary work and should be totally unique. The winning entry will receive a prize of £2,000 and the design will become a full-scale sculpture or
monument. Closing date for entries is 12 noon on Friday 20th August 2010.

Further information and entry forms may be obtained from the Ministry for Culture, 310 Main Street, Gibraltar; telephone number 20047592; e-mail


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