08 Mai 2010 [08:03h]     Bookmark and Share

The Ministry of Culture wishes to remind the general public that the closing date for applications for the 2010 Gibraltar Fair & National Day Celebrations is Friday 21 May 2010

Gibraltar – The Ministry of Culture invites applications for the Gibraltar Fair as follows:

1. From Registered Charities, Clubs, Associations and Commercial Entities wishing to set up a stall at the Fair. Applications should include details of activities to be provided, fees, prizes and dimensions of stall.

2. To run small catering stalls (e.g. sweets, confectionery, ice cream, soft drinks, etc) at the Fair. Details, prices and dimensions of stall are to be provided.

3. To run bar/catering services. Applicants must include details of bar and catering facilities (including proposed prices), together with required dimensions.

4. To run the Family Pavilion at the Fair. Applications must include a detailed programme of entertainment to be provided, together with proposed bar and catering facilities and price lists. A Churros stall should also be provided. Entrance must be free of charge.

5. To run the Youth Pavilion at the Fair. The organisers will work under the Youth Service and must ensure their criteria are rigidly followed and applied. Applications must include a detailed programme of entertainment together with proposed bar and catering facilities and price lists. Entrance must be free of charge.

The relevant sets of conditions and charges are available from the Ministry of Culture, 310 Main Street between 9.30am to 1.00pm and 2.30pm to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. The Ministry of Culture is also inviting applications for the National Day Celebrations
as follows:

1. To organise, stage & produce a Rock Concert on 9 September 2010. Full details, including proposed venue(s), times, entertainment, etc must be provided.

2. To set up and operate a Sound System at John Mackintosh Square on Friday 10 September 2010 between 12 noon and 2pm.

For any enquiry please contact the Ministry of Culture, 310 Main Street, Gibraltar, Tel: 200 47592 or 200 48063; Fax: 200 52589; e-mail: minculture@gibtelecom.net
Applications should reach the Ministry of Culture, 310 Main Street by no later than noon on Friday 21 May 2010.


  • Palma.guide

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