Resurfacing of Ragged Staff Road – Trafalgar Interchange Project

27 Mai 2010 [20:30h]     Bookmark and Share

As part of the Government’s ongoing Trafalgar Interchange New Roundabouts Project, works will be undertaken to resurface the northern side of Ragged Staff Road for a period of three days commencing as from 2.00pm on Saturday 29 May 2010 until Monday 31 May 2010.

Gibraltar – As part of the Government’s ongoing Trafalgar Interchange New Roundabouts Project, works will be undertaken to resurface the northern side of Ragged Staff Road for a period of three days commencing as from 2.00pm on Saturday 29 May 2010 until Monday 31 May 2010. During this time, traffic will be controlled by the use of portable hand signals, i.e. operatives with stop and go signals whilst works are in progress. Traffic will be allowed to travel over the planed surfacing during the evenings and appropriate signage for the guidance of drivers will be displayed in the area of the works. Drivers are advised to take extra care when travelling through the works site as there might be uneven surfaces.

The Government would like to take this opportunity to apologise to the general public for any inconvenience that these works may cause to them.


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