Qantas Freight to Maintain New Zealand Wide Body Freight Capacity

23 Feb 2009 [14:01h]     Bookmark and Share

Qantas Freight confirmed that it would continue to offer wide body international freight capacity across the Tasman.

Sydney – Group General Manager Qantas Freight, Mr Stephen Cleary, said a number of alternatives were being evaluated to retain wide body freight capacity following recently announced changes to Qantas’ Tasman schedule.

„Qantas is increasing the frequency of B737 passenger services across the Tasman,“ Mr Cleary said. „As a result, there will be some changes to wide body freight capacity from 10 June. „We expect to have replacement capacity in place before then to ensure continuity of service. „As demonstrated with the recent addition of a B747 freighter service between the US, New Zealand and Australia, we are fully committed to meeting the needs of the New Zealand market and to continuing our long and valued relationships with our customers.

„In coming weeks we will communicate further details of our plans directly with each of our customers in Australia and New Zealand.“


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