oneworld strongly supports American and JAL

19 Feb 2010 [11:27h]     Bookmark and Share

oneworld strongly supports American and JAL

oneworld strongly supports American and JAL

oneworld alliance warmly welcomes and strongly supports the filing of an application with the US Department of Transportation by its members American Airlines and Japan Airlines for anti-trust immunity for a joint business agreement between North America and Asia. The airlines also will notify Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Tourism of their transaction.

London – oneworld Managing Partner John McCulloch said: „This is a very significant step by oneworld member airlines to deepen co-operation with Japan Airlines since it reaffirmed its membership of the alliance earlier this week. 

„We are committed to supporting JAL in its restructuring, and expanded co-operation like this is a key element of that programme.  The filing for anti-trust immunity in such a timely manner is proof of that commitment, and it is heartening for all of us in the alliance to see things move ahead so speedily on this front.

„It is also great news for consumers.  An immunized joint business agreement between these partners will strongly benefit the public by strengthening competition and expanding choice in one of the world’s fastest growing air travel markets.“


Picture: Carstino Delmonte/


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