07 Feb. 2007 [09:17h]     Bookmark and Share

Passenger activity: 2.3% increase in traffic with load factor maintained at the high level of 79.0%. Further increase in unit revenue

Passenger activity

In January, Air France-KLM posted a 2.3% rise in traffic, in line with the rise in capacity of 2.4%. The load factor remained stable at the high level of 79.0%. The Group carried over 5.5 million passengers, up 2.2%. As in previous months, the Group posted a further increase in yield in January thanks to a rise in all segments.

– On the Americas, traffic and capacity increased by 1.0%. The load factor remained stable at the high level of 83.9%.

– The Asian activity remained buoyant with traffic up 6.8% in line with the increase in capacity (+6.9%); the load factor remained at the high level of 84.4% (-0.2 points).

– On the Africa & Middle-East network, traffic increased by 2.9%, while capacity was up 2.2%. The load factor improved by 0.5 points to 79.4%.

– On the Caribbean & Indian Ocean network, traffic was down 2.5% with capacity down by 3.1%. The load factor improved by 0.6 points to reach the high level of 86.7%.

– The European network saw a rise in traffic of 2.6% while capacity increased by 3.3%. The load factor stood at 62.5% (-0.4 points).

Cargo activity

In January 2007, the cargo load factor progressed by 0.5 points to 62.7%, with a reduction in capacity of 1.8%, exceeding the 1.1% reduction in traffic.

  • Palma.guide

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