US Airways Releases Additional Statement Regarding Alleged DUI Incident

11 Feb. 2007 [23:32h]     Bookmark and Share

US Airways (NYSE: LCC) released the following statement in response to press inquiries regarding prior alcohol related offenses.

TEMPE, Ariz. – Chairman and CEO Doug Parker stated, „While dated, I was regrettably involved in three other alcohol-related incidents in my twenties. Two involved driving under the influence (one a misdemeanor) and the third occurred in college while a passenger in a friend’s car.

„As it relates to my past, I admit that I was indeed irresponsible at times in my twenties. I got my wake-up call long ago as I got married, had kids, and assumed positions of responsibility at work. As I communicated to our employees earlier this morning, my mistake of last week was just that — a mistake, not a trend and I believe that events from 15 and 20 years ago do not reflect on the person I am today.

    "Once again, I am extremely sorry for the embarrassment I have brought
upon US Airways.  I accept full responsibility for my actions and guarantee it
will not happen again.  I can't do much to change what I did in my twenties
but I can make sure that I handle all of this with the professionalism and
integrity that I value in myself and that our employees, customers and
shareholders deserve.  All of our stakeholders have my commitment to do just
that." (LCCG)


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